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Check out the list below for this month's events. Please check social media for any updates, as the website is only updated monthly.

Book Clubs

Fantasy Book Club

Second Sunday Every Month 4pm
September 8th - 4 pm

The Water Outlaws by S L Huang

Horror Book Club

Queer Romance

IN STORE - First Tuesday Every Month
September 3rd at Revel + Gather 6:30pm
Lavash at First Sight by Taleen Voskuni

VIRTUAL - Second Monday Every Month

September 9 - 6:30 pm VIRTUAL
The Pairing by Casey McQuiston

Third Wednesday Every Month
August 21 - 630 pm

Maeve Fly by CJ Leede

TokStagram TBR Takedown

YA Bookclub

Fourth Friday Every Month
August 23rd - 6:30 pm

Havesskadi by Ava Kelly

Fourth Sunday Every Month
August 25th - 4 pm

A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid

Store Events

Cain's Jawbone - Third Sunday of every month @ 4pm. Sept 15th at Ickabod's
Bloodworks NW Blood Drive - August 30th 9am to 3pm. Schedule through Bloodworks NW.

Community Events

Banned Book Drive -  July 20 - September 30. Various locations.
Donate books to help increase diverse book access. See Instagram for details.


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